Focus On Your Customers, Let TROY FlexPay Focus on your Invoices

إن TROY FlexPay هو حل قوي وآمن وسهل الاستخدام للحسابات الدائنة يتكامل بسلاسة مع QuickBooks. يمكّن TROY FlexPay شركات الضيافة لديك من تبسيط العمليات وتقليل التكاليف وتعزيز الكفاءة.

TROY FlexPay in Hospitality

استكشف ميزات وفوائد TROY FlexPay التي يستفيد منها قادة الضيافة لقضاء وقت أقل في معالجة الشيكات والمزيد من الوقت في التركيز على عملائهم. 

برنامج TROY FlexPay يعمل في مجال الضيافة

يقدم TROY FlexPay مجموعة من الميزات المصممة مع وضع صناعة الضيافة في الاعتبار، حيث يجمع بين الواجهة سهلة الاستخدام والوظائف المتقدمة. تجعل الميزات التالية من TROY FlexPay حلاً مثاليًا للدفع عبر QuickBooks:


QuickBooks Integration

Seamlessly integrate with your QuickBooks invoice data. Your organization can begin processing payments easier than ever without disrupting your current payment processes.


Detailed Reporting

Accurate records are critical to any organization. TROY FlexPay provides detailed reporting for accountability and peace of mind.


Intuitive UI

Quickly assess your invoices in QuickBooks with our user-friendly interface. You can easily see when payments are due and process an ACH payment or digital check with only a few mouse clicks.


Dedicated Partners

Our development team is actively engaged with our customers as real partners. We ensure that TROY FlexPay is offering the solutions that matter to you and your business.


Reduce Administrative Overhead

Remove all the stress and time lost to printing QuickBooks checks. The TROY FlexPay software and our experienced engineers by your side, you can process payments more easily. Saving you time and money so you can focus revenue, not payment processing.


Most Secure Payments Available

Your QuickBooks payments are more secure than ever with TROY FlexPay's fraud resistant MICR toner or secure digital payment options. 


Outsource the Tedious Tasks

TROY FlexPay can help you move away from managing printers and expensive check stock. Our outsourcing option for check fulfillment helps reduce operational costs associated with QuickBooks check printing without an expensive contract or commitment.


Easy Transition to Digital Payments

Upgrade your QuickBooks beyond traditional check printing. Begin your journey to digital payment and reduce the operational costs of check printing. With TROY FlexPay you can process payments with Paper Checks, Digital Checks, or ACH without disrupting your current workflows.


Flexible Payment Options

TROY FlexPay allows you to choose the way that works best for your business to process payments. Today it can be traditional paper checks, next week you can outsource check printing to us, and next year you can be fully digital. There are no fees or penalties for changing the way you process a payment. Use what works best for you in that moment.

هل أنت مهتم؟

أثبت برنامج TROY FlexPay أنه حل لا غنى عنه لصناعة الضيافة، حيث يمكّن الشركات من تحسين عمليات الدفع وتقليل التكاليف وتعزيز الإدارة المالية. وبفضل تكامله السلس مع QuickBooks وميزاته المتقدمة وقصص نجاحه الواقعية، فإن TROY FlexPay هو الرفيق المثالي لشركات الضيافة التي تسعى إلى تبسيط العمليات وتعزيز الكفاءة وتحقيق التميز المالي.

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